Add a "Report Broken Link" button to the product pages and let your customers notify you for the product page inconsistencies.
It is only displayed on all Product pages and adds a text button stating "Report Broken Links" on it.
When the button is clicked, a fancy box with a report form page appears. Customer can cancel or submit report.
Customer email address can be acquired (optional) to provide feedback.
If the report is submitted, a report notification mail is sent through Prestashop to the Website Admin stating related product information and broken link report.
PHP coding standards compatibility
Prestashop 8 compatibility
Undefined variable error fix
Prestashop 1.7 compatibility
Report form is added
Ajax form submission is added
Now the module is available for all products.
Prestashop 1.6 compatibility
Product actions hook has been added. Now the module can be hooked under the add to cart button.
Technische Daten
Das von Ihnen gekaufte Modul kann auf der Seite "Mein Konto" im Reiter "Meine Downloads" oder auf der Bestelldetailseite unter dem Modulbeschreibungslink der Bestellung heruntergeladen werden. Sie erhalten außerdem eine Benachrichtigungs-E-Mail mit dem Link zur Datei und Anweisungen, sobald Ihre Bestellung bestätigt wurde.