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Responsive Homepage Layout Module

Responsive Homepage Layout Module

Referenz : 8675

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Prestashop Responsive Homepage Layout - by MEG Venture
  • Prestashop Responsive Homepage Layout - by MEG Venture
  • Prestashop Responsive Homepage Layout - by MEG Venture
  • Prestashop Responsive Homepage Layout - by MEG Venture

Responsive Homepage Layout Module

49,99 €

Put an elegant and attractive, responsive homepage layout on your homepage with customized links 

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Prestashop Official Forum SupportThis module allows you to put an elegant and attractive, responsive picture collage on your homepage with customized links and titles.

This picture collage helps quick navigation and provides a professional look on your website. As vendors, you can attract your customers' attentions to your featured categories/products.

Add your trendy products into this picture collage.

Good for fashion, clothes, shoes, furniture, beauty, jewelry, flowers and lingerie websites.

The customer can choose their target and navigate quickly using this picture collage.


  • All pictures can be deleted/modified through the configuration menu.
  • Each picture has its customized external link and title.
  • Responsive
  • Titles are animated
  • Upper/bottom part display options. Regarding parts can be hidden.
  • Also compatible with the Alysum theme.
  • Contact with us for compatibility with custom theme "Theme 681"
No special installation instruction is needed.

Hooks available: Homepage

Change Log:

25.01.2013 v0.2

  • Responsiveness has been added.
  • Animated titles have been added.

10.03.2014 v0.2.1

  • Display settings have been added. Now the upper part or the bottom part display are optional.


24.05.2014 v0.2.2

  • Prestashop 1.6 compatibility has been provided.

24.05.2014 v0.2.3

  • Prestashop 1.5 CSS fix.
  • Validator fix.

04.04.2016 v2.4.0

  • Debug
  • Validator fix.

Technische Daten

Prestashop 1.5
Prestashop 1.6
Prestashop 1.7
Verfügbare Modulübersetzungen
Kompatibilität Kompatibilität
Prestashop 1.5 Prestashop 1.6 Prestashop 1.7
Verfügbare Übersetzungen Übersetzungen
Demo-Seite Demo-Seite
demo@demo.com - demodemo
Entwickler Entwickler
MEG Venture MEG Venture
Kommentare (1)


  • Wie kann ich mein Modul herunterladen?

    Das von Ihnen gekaufte Modul kann auf der Seite "Mein Konto" im Reiter "Meine Downloads" oder auf der Bestelldetailseite unter dem Modulbeschreibungslink der Bestellung heruntergeladen werden. Sie erhalten außerdem eine Benachrichtigungs-E-Mail mit dem Link zur Datei und Anweisungen, sobald Ihre Bestellung bestätigt wurde.