Si vende sus productos en dimensiones, es decir, unidades de longitud, unidades de área (superficie), unidades de perímetro, unidades de volumen o peso, sin duda necesitará este módulo.
Las dimensiones se convierten en cantidad y el precio total se calcula automáticamente.
Toda la información de las dimensiones se lleva a través del proceso de pedido y se almacena en el Backoffice.
Change Log
Version 5.6.6 (05.11.2023)
- Prestashop webservice feature is added
- Cart aggregation option is added
- No Add to Cart option is added
- Min/max limits per customer groups option is added
- New theme compatibilities added
Version 5.6.5 (11.09.2023)
- Minor bug fix
- New theme compatibilities added
Version 5.6.4 (21.07.2023)
- Fix for the loss of configuration after turning off the product
- Order confirmation page customization
- New theme compatibilities added
- Fix for the "you may also like" module conflict
- Other minor bug and design fixes
Version 5.6.3 (30.05.2023)
- Shipping weight display on product page (NEW FEATURE)
- Error messages translation error fix
- New themes are added
- Cosmetic improvements
- Minor bug fix for cart consistency
Version 5.6.2 (28.03.2023)
- Continous update problem is fixed on product page
- New themes are added
- Waste percentage will be used for decimal allowed calculation option
- Manual input will be allowed/disallowed optionally
- Weight calculation for shipping is added
Version 5.6.0 (08.02.2023)
- Prestashop 8 compatibility
- Customer order confirmation email dimension information fix
- Cart update function fix
- Cosmetic improvements
Version 5.5.13 (21.01.2023)
- Two new calculation options added (using standard quantity with the dimension information & using standard quantity calculating the unit price with the dimension information)
- By unit or by dimension cart add functionality from the product page or from product listing pages (optional)
Version 5.5.12 (06.11.2022)
- New theme compatibilities are added
- Prestashop webservice API compatibility is added for the dimension information
Version 5.5.11 (19.10.2022)
- New theme compatibilities are added
- Cart update option error is fixed
Version 5.5.10 (19.09.2022)
- Flatshop theme compatibility is added
- Number of decimals can be adjusted now
- The wording 'ea' is removed for weight calculations
- req_value required error is fixed
- Cart validity check is improved
Version 5.5.9 (21.08.2022)
- Ability to modify the decimal characters is added
- Upgrade process is improved
- New compatible themes added
- Arabic language translation is added
- Code is minified and optimized
Version 5.5.7 (22.05.2022)
- Ability to modify the order dimension from the Backoffice is added
- Upgrade process is improved
- New compatible themes added
- Minor CSS fix on product listing page add to cart capability
Version 5.5.6 (06.04.2022)
- Minor bug fix
- Manual entry option is added
- New themes are added to the supported themes inventory
Version 5.5.5 (03.03.2022)
- New themes are added to the supported themes inventory
Version 5.5.2 (31.01.2022)
- SQL casting for security is implemented
- French translation updated
- HTML5 number input's spin box is hidden
- Additional quantity - direct input cross functionality is improved
- Rounding for non-decimal dimensions are readjusted
- Direct input calculation controls are improved
- Manual decimal input is allowed
- sbs_dropdowncart module support is added
- Support for new third-party themes is added
- CSS and bug fix applied
Version 5.5.0 (13.11.2021)
- New product page design
- Backoffice design is renewed
- Ordering from product listing is added
- Unit price can be used as base price
- Auto-configuration feature is added
- Security improvements
Version 5.4.1 (21.08.2021)
- Adding new product with reference product configuration
- Extra fee option is added
- Adding waste amount to increase the calculation option is added
Version 5.3.5 (13.02.2021)
- Override functionality is upgraded
- Increment step settings per individual dimension field now possible
Version 5.3.4 (20.12.2020)
- Add to cart button fix
- Multiple customized fields compatibility
Version 5.3.3 (15.12.2020)
- Prestashop 1.7.7 compatibility
Version 5.3.2 (21.10.2020)
Version 5.3.1 (14.10.2020)
- Infrastructure is simplified
- Dropdown box can be used instead of input field.
Version 5.3.0 (03.10.2020)
- Starting price option is added
- Base price option is added
- Multishop compatibility is added
Version 5.2.13 (13.07.2020)
Version 5.2.12 (14.06.2020)
- New: Direct input option for the volume, surface and perimeter applets
- Minor bug fix
Version 5.2.11 (30.05.2020)
- New: Applet disabling switch is now optional
- Minor bug fix
Version 5.2.10 (02.05.2020)
- New: Increase/decrease step value can be adjusted differently for each product
Version 5.2.9 (27.04.2020)
- Bug fix on Cart Update function
- Applet performance upgrade
- Cosmetic design fix
Version 5.2.8 (19.04.2020)
- CSV mass import/export functionality is added
- Applets can be started from 0 instead of 1
- Minor bug fix
Version 5.2.7 (03.04.2020)
- Comma and point separator is optional.
- Bug fix
Version 5.2.6 (13.03.2020)
- Ability to add the same product to the cart for Prestashop 1.7.x.
Version 5.2.0 (07.09.2019)
- Applet weight calculation is added.
Version 5.1.0 (01.09.2019)
- Applet tooltip (hint) picture capability is added.
Version 5.0.0 (07.08.2019)
- Prestashop 1.7 compatibility
- Bug fix
- UX design changes
Version 3.2.2 (24.07.2015)
- Performance upgrade
- Mass edit function
- Linear calculation feature
- Reserve price
Version 3.2 (07 December 2014)
- Volume discount/quantity discount support
Version 3.1 (01 September 2014)
Version 3.0 (17 June 2014)
- Dimension transport is now done with the native customized text feature of Prestashop
- Multiple instances of the same item can be added now
- Cart quantity can be forced to be always one no matter what quantity is calculated
- Compatible with Prestashop 1.6
Version 2.0 (29 Oct 2013)
- English (Standard) unit system has been added
- Order Quantity Display Options added
Version 1.0 (27 Sep 2013)