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Whatsapp Chat Module - Free Version
Whatsapp Chat Module - Free Version

Reference : FYAZILIM1

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Whatsapp Chat Module
  • Whatsapp Chat Module
  • Whatsapp Chat Module
  • Whatsapp Chat Module
  • Whatsapp Chat Module

Whatsapp Chat Module - Free Version

An application that directly posts your Whatsapp number when you talk and click through Whatsapp. This great module is listed on the courtesy of FYazılım

Please go to the DOWNLOAD tab to get the module zip file

  Security policy

We don't see credit card details. Multi-factor authentication in accordance with EU directive PSD2.

  Return and Support policy

45 days right of return/full refund. Lifetime support, security updates and feature upgrades.

  Certified Prestashop Addons Seller

We are a Superhero Seller in the Official Prestashop Addons Store since 2007.

This great module is listed on the courtesy of FYazılım. An application that directly posts your Whatsapp number when you talk and click through Whatsapp.


  • Attached to the desired Hook added
  • Fixed mobile errors
  • Shared with product name brought on product page
  • Product Share Page

Data sheet

Prestashop 1.6
Prestashop 1.7
Available Module Translations
Front-Office Demo
Backoffice Demo
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