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Add Extra or One-Time Only Fee Module
Add Extra or One-Time Only Fee Module

Reference : 13517

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Prestashop Extra Fee Module - One-Time Fee Addition Tool
  • Prestashop Extra Fee Module - One-Time Fee Addition Tool
  • Prestashop Extra Fee Module - One-Time Fee Addition Tool
  • Prestashop Extra Fee Module - One-Time Fee Addition Tool
  • Prestashop Extra Fee Module - One-Time Fee Addition Tool
  • Prestashop Extra Fee Module - One-Time Fee Addition Tool
  • Prestashop Extra Fee Module - One-Time Fee Addition Tool
  • Prestashop Extra Fee Module - One-Time Fee Addition Tool
  • Prestashop Extra Fee Module - One-Time Fee Addition Tool
  • Prestashop Extra Fee Module - One-Time Fee Addition Tool

Add Extra or One-Time Only Fee Module

No tax

This Prestashop module allows the addition of one-time fees for products or orders, enhancing e-commerce flexibility. It supports various configurations including per product or order fees, minimum cart fees, and is applicable to specific products or categories. The module offers CSV import/export, and includes a detailed readme file. Updated regularly.

Product customisation

Don't forget to save your customization to be able to add to cart
  • 250 char. max
Your Prestashop Version: Prestashop 8.x.x
Download Immediately After Payment

  Security policy

We don't see credit card details. Multi-factor authentication in accordance with EU directive PSD2.

  Return and Support policy

45 days right of return/full refund. Lifetime support, security updates and feature upgrades.

  Certified Prestashop Addons Seller

We are a Superhero Seller in the Official Prestashop Addons Store since 2007.

For some businesses, you may need to add one or more extra fees to be applied to an order especially if you are selling services or dimensioned products like carpet, curtain, tiles, etc. These fees should be applied only once regardless of or in regards to the quantity purchased by the customers.

Installation service, upgrade fee, update fee, yearly warranty fee, expertise fee, quoting service, disposal service can be counted as examples of those extras. Prestashop's native structure does not allow you to add such a fee, so this module interferes at this point.

With this module, you will be able to present optional/mandatory one-time charged services accompanying the order regardless of the quantity purchased.


  • Sleek and user-friendly design.
  • Option to apply a one-time fee per order or per product.
  • For products, multiple extra fees can be defined, with descriptions and amounts set on the product editing page.
  • For orders, the fee amount and applicable products can be configured from the module’s configuration page, with customizable fee descriptions.
  • Minimum Cart Fee: Implement a fee for carts below a set minimum value.
  • Flexible application rules for sets of products or categories.
  • Options for product fees to be pre-selected, mandatory, or quantity-based.
  • Base quantity feature for applying fees beyond a minimum quantity limit.
  • Enable/disable functionality for extra fees on selected products.
  • Independent fee assignments for each product.
  • Option to hide the extra fee selection applet, applying fees automatically.
  • Sliding cart displays selected fees, maintained throughout the order process.
  • Product fees can be individually removed from the cart; order fees require product removal.
  • Supports various combinations of products and fees in a single order.
  • Order tab displays extra fee details for completed orders. Universal compatibility with custom themes.
  • Comprehensive CSV import/export capability.
  • Detailed readme file for easy setup.
  • Linking product attributes (combinations) to extra fees for automatic selection.

Benefits for Merchants:

  • Enhanced pricing flexibility.
  • Streamlined fee management.
  • Increased revenue opportunities.
  • Easy integration and customization.

Benefits for Customers:

  • Transparent fee structures.
  • Customizable shopping experience.

Change Log:

11/09/2023 v2.7.3

  • Minor bug fix

30/05/2023 v2.7.2

  • Minimum cart fee option is added

10/02/2023 v2.7.0

  • Prestashop 8 compatibility
  • Mandatory fees cannot be deleted from cart

17/01/2023 v2.6.4

  • The buttons can act like radio buttons now (optional)
  • Minor bug fix for the stores which don't use stock management

03/01/2023 v2.6.3

  • Minor bug fix on fee quantity availability

20/12/2022 v2.6.2

  • Fee amount is now auto-incremented upon a purchase
  • Minor bug fix on table creation of installation

08/12/2022 v2.6.1

  • Module infrastructure is modified substantially (if you will upgrade, uninstall and delete the older version first, then install this version)
  • Fee discount can be applied to customers now
  • Decimal characters length of the fees are now adjustable
  • Override translation bug is fixed
  • Fee description page access can be forbidden/allowed now
  • Cosmetic fixes on the backoffice module configuration

07/11/2022 v2.6.0

  • Module infrastructure is modified substantially (if you will upgrade, uninstall and delete the older version first, then install this version)
  • Extra fee is now added as a product attribute to the cart
  • Fee and fee related product amoumt can now be modified in cart
  • Extra fee per order can be added now
  • Order fee rule for a set of selected products is available
  • Order fee rule for a set of selected categories is available

09/02/2022 v2.5.12

  • 8 new translations added to the module
  • minor bug fix 

24/08/2021 v2.5.11

  • Security update (Delete.php and casting for sql injection)
  • Attribute and fee linking feature (NEW)
  • Backoffice cosmetic design improvement 

21/03/2021 v2.5.10

  • CSS fix for the Panda theme users on Prestashop 1.6

13/02/2021 v2.5.9

  • Minor bug fix
  • Tax excluded price display on decimal price issue is fixed
  • Override functionality is upgraded

19/12/2020 v2.5.7

  • Prestashop 1.7.7 compatibility
  • Extra fee per product quantity option is added

14/10/2020 v2.5.6

  • CSS fix on product page

02/10/2020 v2.5.5

  • Tax excluded and included price display is now possible.

09/09/2020 v2.5.4

  • Minor bug fix on tax display

16/05/2020 v2.5.3

  • Bug fix
  • Unchangeable fee option is added
  • Mass CSV import and export functionality
  • The fee select applet is replaced with multiple checkbox
  • Visual corrections in terms of design 

17/08/2019 v2.5.0

  • Prestashop 1.7.x compatibility
  • UX design changes

24/01/2016 v2.4.0

  • Code simplification
  • Base quantity capability

05/03/2015 v2.3.0

  • Debug and security fix

15/12/2014 v2.2

  • Debug and CSS fix
  • Complete infrastructure change to make a robust design
  • Security updates

27/09/2014 v1.2

  • Debug

03/09/2014 v1.1

  • Security updates
  • Prestashop 1.6 compatibility

02/10/2014 v1.0

  • Released

Data sheet

Prestashop 1.5
Prestashop 1.6
Prestashop 1.7
Prestashop 8
Available Module Translations
Front-Office Demo
Backoffice Demo
Compatibility Compatibility
Prestashop 1.5 Prestashop 1.6 Prestashop 1.7 Prestashop 8 Thirtybees
Translations Available Translations
Dutch English French German Italian Spanish
Demo Page Demo Page - demodemo
Developer Developer
MEG Venture MEG Venture
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