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Google Rich Snippets (Microdata) Implementation

Google Rich Snippets (Microdata) Implementation


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We implement Google Rich Snippets to your E-Coommerce website
  • We implement Google Rich Snippets to your E-Coommerce website

Google Rich Snippets (Microdata) Implementation

We as MEG Venture cover your Prestashop website's Google Rich Snippets (microdata) to increase your SEO.

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What are Rich Snippets?

Rich Snippets (Microdata) are also known as “Rich Results”. These are normal Google search results with additional and enriched data displayed. This extra data is pulled from a well-designed Structured Data found in your page. The Common Rich Snippet types include grades, reviews, availability and price.

Why are Rich Snippets Important?

Normal Google results are consisting of three components: title, meta description, URL.

Rich Snippets take a normal snippet and add new data fields onto it. Therefore, Rich Snippet results are more eye-catching than normal search results. Meaning that more conversion, morre clicks to your website.

How to Add Rich Snippets to your Website?

If your website is well-designed, probably the rich snippets are added to your website properly. But if not, it is better to add the snippets on the right places manually to increase your SEO.

Google acquires Rich Snippet data from Structured Markup (like Schema) in your page’s HTML. 

How is my Website doing?

Thanks to Google, we have an online testing tool. Please use it to test your website's pages to see how your website is doing.


Warnings can be tolerated, but not errors. 

As MEG Venture, where do we stand?

We can test your product pages, your category pages (product listing pages) in terms of Google Rich Snippets. Then we can rearrange your snippets or add the appropriate snippets to your website.

This is a paid and one-week long service and you will see the success report at the end of the job. Please get in touch with us to get this service.

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