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Price Alert - Follow the Price Module

Price Alert - Follow the Price Module

Referentie : WEBDEVTET

Beste bezoeker,
Wilt u de beste prijs voor bovenstaand product ontvangen, vul dan de onderstaande lege velden in.


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Prestashop Price Alert - Follow the Price Module
  • Prestashop Price Alert - Follow the Price Module

Price Alert - Follow the Price Module

This free module will allow your customers to easily create price alerts on products and combinations. They will receive email when price drops below this indicated threshold.

Ga naar het tabblad DOWNLOAD om het zipbestand van de module te downloaden

This great module is listed on the courtesy of DataKick

Not only is this a powerful incentive for them to return to your shop, but it also gives you interesting information - email addresses and expected price. You can use it to optimize your pricing strategy or for other marketing purposes.


  • Automatically sends email when price drops
  • Alerts can be created by anonymous visitors as well as registered customers
  • Supports product combinations - notification can be set for specific combination only
  • Supports multiple currencies
  • Easily change change email template
  • Modern design

Accessing Data

Module itself doesn't have any functionality to export price alert data, but it is integrated with DataKick module - your price alerts data will be available for creating lists, xml exports, inline editing and mass updates just as any regular record type. 

GitHub Page



Prestashop 1.6
Prestashop 1.7
Beschikbare Module Vertalingen
Front-Office Demonstratie
Backoffice Demonstratie


Price Alert - Follow the Price

Price Alert - Follow the Price Module

Downloaden (1.52MB)
Verenigbaarheid Verenigbaarheid
Prestashop 1.6 Prestashop 1.7
Vertalingen beschikbaar Vertalingen
Demopagina Demopagina
demo@demo.com - demodemo
Commentaar (1)


  • Hoe kan ik mijn module downloaden?

    De module die je hebt gekocht, kan worden gedownload vanaf je "Mijn Account"-pagina onder het tabblad "Mijn Downloads", of vanaf de bestelgegevenspagina onder de link van de modulebeschrijving van de bestelling. Je ontvangt ook een e-mailmelding met de link naar het bestand en instructies zodra je bestelling is bevestigd.