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HTML5 Background Audio MP3 Player Module

HTML5 Background Audio MP3 Player Module

Referentie : 4990

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Audio Player for Prestashop
  • Audio Player for Prestashop
  • Audio Player for Prestashop
  • Audio Player for Prestashop
  • Audio Player for Prestashop
  • Audio Player for Prestashop
  • Audio Player for Prestashop
  • Audio Player for Prestashop
  • Audio Player for Prestashop

HTML5 Background Audio MP3 Player Module

€ 49,99
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HTML5 background audio player lets you play background music on your pages with a simple user interface to control basic tasks such as stopping or lowering its volume.

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Prestashop Official Forum Support

Plays music, welcome speech
Colorizes your online shop
Differentiate your website from other stationary examples
Make your website rehabilitating
Use music files that triggers customer's purchasing desires

  • Features:
  • Mobile compatible
  • Responsive
  • Fully customizable
  • Mp3 file or ogg file can be played (File list is not supported)
  • Play online radio station stream audio (NEW)
  • Professionally designed Back Office Management
  • Color Scheme Options
  • Built-in color selection (picker) applet
  • Volume Control
  • Autostart
  • Autoresume (Unlike a regular audio player, it can remember the player's current point in the music playback, volume, and whether it's paused within a browser session, so as the user transitions from page to page, the music continues where it last left off with minimal disruptions.)
  • Loop
  • Initial Volume
  • Rewind button
  • The width of the player is configurable (the height is fixed)
  • HTML5 audio (the element) is supported in IE9+, FF3.5+, Chrome/Safari 3+, and Opera 10.5+. The player automatically hides the player UI in browsers that don't support it.
  • Left column, right column, footer, top of the page positions are available
  • Demo player in the backoffice to check the customizations
  • Due to the major browsers' autoplay policy, autoplay with sound is only allowed after the first user interaction with the domain (click, tap, etc.). Therefore, the mp3 will be autoplayed after the landing page.


Prestashop 1.4
Prestashop 1.5
Prestashop 1.6
Prestashop 1.7
Prestashop 8
Beschikbare Module Vertalingen
Front-Office Demonstratie
Backoffice Demonstratie
Verenigbaarheid Verenigbaarheid
Prestashop 1.4 Prestashop 1.5 Prestashop 1.6 Prestashop 1.7 Prestashop 8 Thirtybees
Vertalingen beschikbaar Vertalingen
Demopagina Demopagina
demo@demo.com - demodemo
Ontwikkelaar Ontwikkelaar
MEG Venture MEG Venture
Commentaar (3)


  • Hoe kan ik mijn module downloaden?

    De module die je hebt gekocht, kan worden gedownload vanaf je "Mijn Account"-pagina onder het tabblad "Mijn Downloads", of vanaf de bestelgegevenspagina onder de link van de modulebeschrijving van de bestelling. Je ontvangt ook een e-mailmelding met de link naar het bestand en instructies zodra je bestelling is bevestigd.