Advanced Customer Service Features Module
The module adds to the customer service system useful features like spam prevention and multiple file attachments on the contact page and one file attachment admin responses.
Benefits for Merchants *
- Add unlimited optional file attachment fields to the contact page. File attachments are stored in the database and are sent through e-mail.
- Send file attachment to the customers using the backoffice customer service responses.
- Have a larger response text area on the customer service page.
- Add the customer email address to the spam list and get rid of spam emails.
- Use predefined order messages from the customer service response page as well.
Features *
- Easy to use and affordable.
- Multiple file attachment fields option is added on the contact page and a file attachment optiom for the customer service email responses on the admin side.
- Response text area gets larger.
- The sender email address can be added to the spam list and spam is prevented.
Benefits for customers
- Increases efficiency on after sale correspondence
- Increases productivity
- Update for Prestashop 8
- Update for Prestashop
- Predefined messages are alphabetically sorted now
- Minor bug fix to display separate attached files at the backoffice
- Minor bug fix to display separate attached files at the backoffice
- Predefined messages are available on the customer service responses
- Spam email records can be cancelled from the module configuration page
- Contact form may have multiple attachments
Ficha informativa
- Compatibilidade
- Prestashop 1.7
Prestashop 8 - Traduções Disponíveis do Módulo
- Alemão
Português - Demonstração de Front-Office
- Sim
- Demonstração do Backoffice
- Sim
- Versão
- v1.1.4
Perguntas frequentes
Estou a receber um erro 403 ao clicar no link do anexo.
Isto deve-se ao conteúdo do ficheiro .htaccess na pasta 'upload'. Precisa de permitir links provenientes do seu site. O conteúdo do novo ficheiro .htaccess deve ser assim:
# Apache 2.2<IfModule !mod_authz_core.c>Order deny,allowDeny from allAllow from env=allowed_referer</IfModule>
# Apache 2.4<IfModule mod_authz_core.c>Require all denied<RequireAny>Require env allowed_refererRequire env local_access</RequireAny></IfModule>
# Allow requests from or without a Referer (optional)SetEnvIf Referer "^https?://(www\.)?megventure\.com(/.*)?$" allowed_refererSetEnvIf Referer "^$" local_access # Allow direct access if needed (optional)Em vez de, utilize o domínio do seu site.
Como posso fazer o download do meu módulo?
O módulo que você comprou pode ser baixado na página "Minha Conta" na aba "Os Meus Downloads", ou na página de detalhes do pedido no link de descrição do módulo do pedido. Você também receberá um e-mail de notificação com o link para baixar o arquivo e instruções assim que o seu pedido for confirmado.